Table 5 Productivity Challenge

  1. How to Engage Senior Leadership team in a difficult change journey?
  • Need to define the change upfront to start on the right track – what is involved? Why are we doing it? What will enable?
  • Need strong engagement early to address issues; will develop solutions, create improved teamwork amongst all levels – look at the end goal (What is the measure of success – from and where we are going to), use the experience from all the team
  • Develop a forum with all departments in the site –will become part of the solution. Eg – Daily meeting each day already in place in some sites– enables issues to be raised up early. Provides timely feedback. Get an early win and show this early benefit – develop a bottom up resolution
  • Concentrate on the early adopters to become an advocate for you going forward and use them on the journey
  • Articulate a clear simple message – digestible, clear & regular message, keep it on point. Snr leaders need to be aligned in the sites –develop a clear site goal to allow alignment on the vision with Snr Mgmt.

Table 4 Technology Challenge

What is the impact of new technologies?

Potential productivity improvements, opportunity for people to use new technologies, can also aid operational efficiency

Opportunity for Ireland to be a leader in this technology, indigenous companies can access new markets

Nervous about new technology, too much data can slow down decision making.

Need to design with the operator involved, big challenge to integrate people with the rate of change.

The use of technology is totally changing the way we work, but we need it in a manner that people can use.

Traditional business model is being threatened by new technology but there are opportunities for both small companies to embrace the change quickly.

Need to change the skillset to deal with the new technology therefore practical implementation needs to be carefully planned.

Companies focused on automation but there is a scarcity of skillset to manage it as we have not maintained the development of people to sustain it, how do we bridge the gap.

Security concerns need to be taken into account as well as a deeper discussion on ethics related to AI


Table 4 People Challenge

What does your company need to do to develop and retrain Top Talent? Succession planning, need to develop leadership skills.   Lateral moves can be a good thing, can be a hard sell at times but is a huge benefit to organizations; need to tell people it’s a developmental role.

Implementation of Leaders standard work is a very useful tool to help new leaders, its great way to get new leaders aligned.  Allow employees to gain confidence in a leadership role on a trial basis e.g effective coverage during vacation periods.  Can be used in all organizations within the company.

Clear sense of company/site purpose and direction in order to identify the training needs of the business to align to the long-term vision

Throw away the traditional way of thinking, go and talk to the employees, create a positive feedback loop.  Share the long-term vision with all employees can encourage them to seek out training and up skilling.

Ability to identify individuals for training, sometimes people have trouble identifying training opportunities, need to have outside eyes.

Need to develop the soft skills for high performing individuals but need to use “what’s in it for me”!

Ask the employees first before developing a training package to ensure the relevant training is setup to align with the strategy and the direction for the company.

Table 4 Productivity Challenge

How to engage the senior leadership team in a difficult change journey?

Realign expectations, responsibilities and roles as Leaders don’t recognize their own roles, sometimes they dictate rather than act.

Agree on a platform to use  to communicate the journey you are on (tools, systems etc) and recognize the leadership journey required.

Have the ability to connect with everybody in the organization, its ok to be vulnerable, this will help to create a shared purpose

Its important for the leadership team to look inwards, see how it applies to them and understand the “why”

Understand the “what”, identify the expected behavior, stick to what you say you are going to do. Sometimes there may be a need to bring in an outside expert to kick start the process.

Table 3 Technology Challenge

What is the impact of new technologies?

Where are the jobs going to be in? What investment in Human Capital is required for the future if the established jobs of today no longer exist.

Is there a think tank needed to review a potential future strategy…what are the skills needed for the future…are our universities positioned for this? Also, do we  need to develop the broader interpersonal skills such as change management skills to provide us with the agility and flexibility that is required to deal to the lack of certainty.


The ethics and the strategy of the organisation? Should there be an Irish  strategic board that looks at what is acceptable and non acceptable practice re AI? Needs to be thought through…not the mechanism of learning by mistakes….Link into the futuristic societies.

Table 3 People Challenge

How to engage senior leadership team in difficult change journey?

a. Create cohesion within leadership team, be visible……..

b. Create awareness of the need for change, what are the benefits in the message, engage with everyone in overall strategy/approach

c. Generate benefit first within leadership group first, meaningful and felt leadership………not staged but real visible presence, train front line leaders what to expect and how to manage the change process

Summary: HOW this is achieved?

Model behaviour, leaders step up to the plate, agree overall coherent plan in order to achieve above points

What does your company need to do to develop and retrain top talent?

a.  Strategic review of knowledge & Skill Gap Assessment to achieve,  design training approach to meet strategic objectives, Implement training effectively, assess and evaluate training effectively.  Review strategy on iterative basis to identify cyclical gaps.

b. Coach leaders to engage staff to drive performance. Deelop skills matrix to align to strategy, insert programs. …….GROW Program in Boston Scientific …link training to business performance.

c. Learn by doing, op ex coaches, …focus on execution but also COACHING juniors

Summary: Use structured training model to design, develop, implement and build an evaluation strategy that maps to the organisational strategy/business requirement, and to develop the key interpersonal competencies to enable the trainee sustain the business process requirement.



Table 2 Technology Challenge

What is the impact of new technologies?

Going forward it would  be helpful to have more detail re 3D printing in volume manufacturing.

ethical issues noted in regard to simulated glove being used in military applications while being developed in a neutral country.

one way in dealing with technology is looking at how could this technology be applied to a problem that organisations

need to demystify  technology

need to hear from early adapters and how they are keeping up with technology how they  anticipated change and adapted.

With technological advancement we need manage  people effectively during change and make them accepting of change with familarisation, education

Could  our contribution to the Shingo  process be looking at people through technology

with technology advancements job specs are no longer static, roles are constantly changing

Worry that technology might affect other roles 3D printing reducing the need for warehousing and supply chain

Suggestions for further conferences

Pre conference  questionnaires on technology issues affecting organisations

Concentrate on 3 or 4 key upcoming/ game changing  technologies  and discuss at conference

People process change management and acceptance- link it together and re-inforce it





Table 2 People Challenge

Table 2 People Challenge

What does your company need to do to develop and retrain Top Talent? 

Identify who to up skill and it has to be a mixed solution with external, internal training


Lean Business Programmes

Lean Management Training

Leadership Programmes

Development planning with identified staff ascertain what they want for their future where their talents lie  within the company, put the structures in place to achieve this..

Location especially in remote areas is  a huge problem with retaining talent, have looked at targeting 2nd level students with school outreach promoting science subjects

Looked at pools of talent out there such as home makers and offered a solution of front loading production at times when there was a great availability of talent example. 9am-12noon

Lack of maturity in new and emerging areas such as automation


Table 2 Productivity Challenge

How to engage the senior leadership team in a difficult change journey?

  • Bring the experience of of critical situation in to everyday operations
  • would like  to have more detail on the how to….. The tricks and tips for success and for failure
  • Build a common goal it is imperative to have  senior leadership team on board and for them to be aware of their own behavior and need to go to grass roots level to see what people want
  • Its all about the people!!! Leading the site with pride and operating with ride
  • turning the burning platform in to an opportunity.
  • Visit sites  go to conferences but at some stage you have to start the journey