The topic of ‘The(r)Evolution of Performance Management to unleash Organisation & Individual Potential’ generated a lot of animated discussion. People felt there is a lot of dissatisfaction on the “rating” system – This came up again and again. Other comments included:
- The topic gave new thinking – outside the box
- Needs to be more future orientated rather than past
- Should be a connection between organisation purpose and performance process
- PM needs to link back to business strategy
- Would be great if it could be a more informal process
- 30 for 30 performance – 30 minutes every 30 days
- Thomas Barr – the example of his wonderful achievement in Olympics would be seen as a “D” in an organisation
- Are we empowering or are we controlling?
- Requirement to separate goals, coaching and performance from rating and distribution
- Brought awareness of rating systems
- Feedback needs to be clear and agree why rating was given
- Other organisations are going through same issues
- Recognising success in day-to day performances
- Look forward – set ourselves up for success
- Nobody likes being rated
- Current review system reflects badly on all 3 autonomy certainty and status
- Widespread dissatisfaction
- Discussion on rating distracts from goals
- Causes uncertainty – causes threat reaction
- Parental Vs Supporting
- PM system not an enabler to empower people
- Some organisations moving away and some are stuck
- Performance management around a long time yet it hasn’t evolved to winning formula
- Cultural driver
- Should be seen as positive
- Individual seek autonomy and certainty
- Increases awareness of how other apply the process
- A new approach and view what really brings value
- Look at bigger picture and what brings value
- Focus development of 1 to 1 looking – forward not back
- Value of the more informal coffee conversations
- Focus on the positives – Thomas Barr example
- All know our jobs – forward looking and setting ourselves up for success and include in future performance Reviews
- No right or wrong – should be seen as opportunity to improve
- Question the current PMS – not adding value
- What do we want to achieve as an org
- Give people clear goals
- Look forward at skills rather than at past performance
- Metric driven ticking box – it’s not the right way to do it
- Some organisations are moving from annual conversation – now trying to make it at start and at end of year
- Organisations want to fit people into boxes – distribution on scale
- Think outside the box
- Great to know that other orgs in same boat – difficult to do how t make as seamless as possible – can have big impact
- Language used is so important
- “war room” – not a negative thing – huddle, sharing and feedback
- Validates feeling general dissatisfaction with the system
- No negative feedback – advice
- Immediate recognition use technology
- Its is a human interaction needs to be personal
- We’re not alone – other organisations suffering too
- It is both an organisational issue AND an individual issue
- Organisation value should be linked to PM process
- People should be linked to the business survival
- PM is very important but not used properly – no one looking forward to it
- Language is very important – “advice” instead of “feedback”