Following a discussion of ‘The(r)Evolution of Performance Management to unleash Organisation & Individual Potential’ the group shared the following
Organisational Impact
- 100% at the table felt appraisals were redundant
- Appraisals are just ticking the box, more regular informal appraisals, and regular updated goals is what is needed
- 30 for 30 managers take out 30mins to spend time with employees- good idea
- Do we really need it is it relevant what does it achieve, has it lost its power as ll appraisals need to fit in
- Need to simplify, setting Clear objectives
- How to manage behaviour to improve business there is a big disincentive to out shine other areas especially in production
- Objectives already being managed, we need to change the culture – look behaviours of individuals
- In one company appraisal is 25% of metrics 75% behaviours. this company looked at 4 corporate behaviours + 10 Shingo principles.
- Simple non-confrontational questions were used e.g. was everyone on time?
- When we talk about behaviours – how do you define them, very difficult? Humans complex different personalities introvert Vs extrovert work very differently
- Need guidance in helping employees change
- People are human, how do we use motivation how to influence employees
- Use Rewards and recognition to engage a simple thank you means a lot
- Don’t have enough time to spend with people to motivate. Managers are missing out on opportunities to support employees because of time constraints
- Performance management is broken. When there’s no time, we don’t do it, it’s not valuable. We need to revisit it and its importance
- Power of language, do our employees really hear the good review?
- Important to motivate employees in real time
- In multi nationals – it’s a franchise need to Feed in to corporate norm and methodology sometimes we have no control
- Better result if given Real time
- Productivity can drop if appraisals is spread out over long time frame
- False rewards – demotivating
- Team goals becomes impossible goal for individual
- Individual goals must be aligned to orgs strategic goals
- All people different, Engagement key to all , Investing in people and how we treat our people is way ahead
- All about people, tools and framework in last presentation was important to help interact positively with employees