Table 1 Productivity Challenge

How to engage the senior leadership team in a difficult change journey.

At the Table:David Dunne, James Herbert, Martine Denihan, Sinead Sweeney, Eimear ‘Reilly, Pat Groves , Gemma Murphy, Jane McMorrow, Olive Farrington


Daily meetings and huddle meeting and how we are performing are a key engagement point for senior leaders. We are lacking management at these engagement meetings which is a missed opportunity. This is seen as lack of commitment by the organisation. Changing this would facilitate better alignment at all levels.

We see engagement within team but lacking across all levels in the organisation.

There is not a divergence of objectives but not supported daily.

Leaders need to lead by example, sometimes we need to pull them in initially and call them on be consistent.

We have found for the need to pilot with the leadership team“ create the wins with advocates to get the resistors on board.

We saw engagement and true Alignment – when we move change item beyond the mfg floor.

Show casing wins across the organisation facilitated getting converts in different support group.

We see that we take two steps forward but constantly fall back and then repeat.

People – Leadership – Strategy – Behaviours- Tools and Techniques.

Commitment at the top is where it need to start

Making measurement of people’s adherence to behaviour standards help in change those away from standard

Leaders standard work – and getting the true understand of the WHY and wrapping it around the change initiative is key

Leadership needs to be vulnerable but struggle with the concept.

Leaders can come from a position of portraying that they know it and will do it but their behaviours are not supporting that position and need to be changed.

Same production systems across different plants with different outcomes and this is down to deployment methods and leadership traits.

This can be a positive impact but just as easy a negative impact.

A key in engagement is strategies which incorporates all levels of the organise not just focused on pockets.

Key Takeaways

  • Needs true leadership buy in – Makes if difficult when is the organisation is trying to pull them in.
  • Leader commitment needs to translate into their day to day actions.
  • Leaders presence at all levels at need to be the norm
  • Leaders standard work – and getting the true understanding of the WHY and wrapping it around the change initiative is key to success.