Challenge Responses:
Philip Rossiter
Donal Hannigan
Views on Group Challenges (click below to read full report):
Table 5 Productivity Challenge
How to Engage Senior Leadership team in a difficult change journey? Need to define the change upfront to start on the right track – what is involved? Why are we doing it? What will enable? Need strong engagement early to address issues; will develop solutions, create improved teamwork amongst all levels – look at the …
Table 5 People Challenge
What does your company need to do to develop and retrain Top Talent Developmental assignment program – short term ‘On The Job’ opportunities. Mentor programs. Allows teams to participate on short term basis. Secondments from shop floor; buddy system (3 months) Clarify the roles and understand the need; do a skills gaps assessment and identity …
Table 5 Technology Challenge
What is the impact of the new Technologies? Job losses, sense of fear. Need to upskills folks while they will be different impacts for different generations. Need to address resistance – fear of change. Need to develop the communications for each generation. Impacts to wider community Encourage face to face communications – technology is driving …