Challenge Responses:
Kelly Cummins
Marie O’Donnell
Views on Group Challenges (click below to read full report):
Table 6 Productivity Challenge
Productivity Challenge – How to engage the senior leadership in a difficult change journey? Education and knowledge for senior leaders. Ensuring the change journey is part of daily, weekly meetings and always on the agenda. Focus on hearts and minds of people. Cross functional understanding from all within the organisation. Know where people fit in …
Table 6 People Challenge
What does your company need to do to develop and retrain Top Talent? If already in a role there is a need to be retrained and reminded about cultural fit & behaviours. Strong job description and development plan required for the role. What the employee need to do to get to next level. Identification is …
Table 6 Technology Challenge
What is the impact of new technologies? Worry that the role of employees will be replaced is a major factor. Uncertainty in relation to the protection of IP address. Change in the skillset required for employees eg. for engineers etc…. Some positives for the advances Ergonomics and Safety. Quicker production of products and improved quality. …